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Terms and Conditions


Your reservation begins at 2:00 pm on the day of arrival and will end at 10:00 am on the day of departure. If the room is available at the time of registration, it will be delivered immediately. Otherwise you can store your luggage and use the hotel facilities.


All guests must present valid identification. Resident Colombian citizens must present their citizenship card. For foreigners the only valid document is the Passport. Foreigners and non-resident colombians are exempt from IVA if the purpose of their trip is rest or leisure activities as tourists. For this purpose, the Passport must be stamped with the PT code with a validity of 90 days.


If you are traveling with your child(ren) under 18 years of age, you must present the identification documento f the minor(s) (civil registry), whick proves the existence of the relationship. If the minor(s) are not traveling in the company of their parents, you must deliver at the reception, in addition to the civil birth registry, the parents´permission, whick must be authenticated by a notary and accompanied by a copy of the identification document of those who gave the authorization. Without this documentation, minors are not allowed to enter the hotel. The above is in development of the provisions of law 679 of 2001- Statute to Prevent Sexual Exploitation of Boys, Girls and Adolescents.


In accordance with article 32 of Law 2068 of 2020, “ tourist accommodation service providers must have a liability insurance policy aganinst damages to guests and third parties”. Hotel Mucura Club establishes as a MANDATORY policy the acquisition of the hotel insurance policy established in the aforementioned standard, for a value of $5.000 per person.


In accordance with the provisions established in Lay 1335 of 2009, our hotel has spaces and evironments free of tobacco smoke. Consequently, the guest accepts as an obligation to refrain from smoking in the roo mor in any other space, otherwise it constitutes a serious breach of the lodging contract that gives rise to its termination. If the guest smoked in the room, for each day they do so they must pay the following ítems: I) The cost that the hotel must incur to deodorize and clean the room, whick ir estimated at a sum equivalent to USD 100, settled at the representative market rate on the day of payment, and (II) The value of two (2) nights at the rate corresponding to your accommodation, as the cleaning and deodorization process implies that the hotel cannot use the room during the next two (2) nights. If you smoke in any área of the hotel other tan the room, yo must pay the cost that the hotel must incur to deodorize and clean the área in which you have smoked, which is equivalent to USD 100, settled at the representative market rate on the day of the pay.


I authorize Hotel Mucura Club to process your personal data, which has been delivered through various marketing channels such as websites, telephone, among others. The hotel informs that personal data will be kept with special care, in accordance with the provisions of colombian Law 1266 of 2008, Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013 and other regulations that modify, regulate or expand the regulations on the matter.


At the time of making the reservation request, the sales advisor must be notified that you will be accompanied by a pet (dog or cat), a máximum of one (1) pet per room weighing a máximum of 15 kilograms is allowed. The room owner must present the following documents:
I) Current vaccination certification, specifying the last rabies vaccination, signed by the veterinarian.
II) Assistance or emotional support dogs must present the certificate duly signed by the qualified personnel of the different national or international centers that belong to Colombian Association of Zootherapy or by the entity that the Colombian Agricultural Institute ICA, or whoever takes his place, authorizes (Colombian Decree 1079 of 2015).

What you should keep in mind if you bring your pet:
– Do not bring pets that bark constantly, make too much noise or are aggressive towards people or other pets.
– Any guest’s complaint will be cause for termination of the accommodation contract, without refund of the payment made.
– Pets must be accompanied by their owners at all times.
– Pet feeding, medicines and grooming supplies will be the responsibility of the owner.
– Hotel elements, which are for the exclsuive use of pets, should not be used with pets.
– Pets are not allowed on sofas or armchairs and any furniture in public áreas within the hotel. The owner will be responsable for paying for any damage, as well as damage to furniture, bedding, and/or assault on a person.
– It is the owners responsability to pick up pet feces in public áreas and in the room. If the pet relieves itself on furniture in the room, extra charges will be made at check-out.
– The owner of the pet is solely responsable for any damage caused to other guests, employees or third parties within the hotel facilities and exempts Hotel Mucurs Club from economic and legal responsibilities.
– The entry of dogs considered potentially dangerous is not allowed (Colombian Law 746 of 2002).


At Hotel Mucura Club we are committed to the sustaibanle development of our environment, assuming the legal commitment in environment, culture and economic aspects, through the continuous improvement of our processes. We implement prevention, control and improvement measures to minimize the environmental, culture and economic impact of the operation, raising awarenedd among our guests, suppliers and collabotators regarding their sustainable rights and duties.
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